Our partner network continues to grow. We work with organizations across the US that have a wide range of missions, capabilities, and strengths. Learn about the companies you could collaborate with.
Offers prevention services helping to address risks associated with alcohol, drugs and tobacco; teen pregnancy; abuse; crime; school dropout; and related issues.
Provides residential treatment services and forensic services for youth with mental & behavioral health concerns, families, victims of crime, and at-risk youth.
Provides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empower children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability, skills and tools to thrive.
Focuses on the prevention of all forms of sexual, physical, and child abuse with the goal of protecting the community from future abuse and child endangerment.
Joining Inperium’s network looks different for everyone. Your unique goals, needs, and team structure will guide how you join and what makes the most sense for you. See how we partner with organizations like yours.