Holly Hill Child & Family Solutions

Provides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empowerProvides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empowercccProvides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empowerProvides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empower children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability, skills and tools to thrive.
children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability,ajdflj;lkjl;lkj;
skills and tools to thrive.
children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability,
skills and tools to thrive.
children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability,
skills and tools to thrive.

Provides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empowerProvides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empowercccProvides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empowerProvides comprehensive mental and behavioral health services to empower children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability, skills and tools to thrive.
children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability,ajdflj;lkjl;lkj;
skills and tools to thrive.
children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability,
skills and tools to thrive.
children, adolescents, young adults, their families and those supporting them with the stability,
skills and tools to thrive.

Year Founded
Inperium Partner Since

2816 Bluegrass Drive
Highland Heights, KY 41076
United States

“Our partnership with Inperium has added capability across our organization to deliver on our mission, built on our strengths, and provided access to resources for growth – all while maintaining local control and vital connection with our community. The Inperium model is the unicorn relationship we were looking for.” - James Sherry, Chief Executive Officer